Westfield Grand Prix

Las ideas brillantes, merecen brillar



1 - Application Phase


May 22nd – July 7th


Dive into the first phase of our challenge, where you'll have the chance to present your ground-breaking concept. Complete the application form and submit a presentation to showcase your brand and concept.

On your marks, get set, go: only the very best concepts will enter into the selection process!

2 - Selection Process


July - August


Experts in retail and sustainability will put your applications to the test, and assess your concept, commercial plans and sustainability strategy. Only the most impressive applicants will be selected to proceed to the final round.

3 - Public Vote & Grand Final


You've made it to the finish line!

The successful concepts will be shared online with Westfield customers who will vote to decide the winner of The People’s Choice Prize. The People’s Choice winner will have the opportunity to feature as a highlight of The Westfield Good Festival in 2024!

The chosen finalists will then deliver a polished pitch to our carefully selected judging panel, followed by a Q&A session. They will deliberate to decide on the winner of the Westfield Grand Prix 2023.

4 - The European Final


The Westfield Grand Prix winners from each participating country will travel to Paris to pitch their concepts to our high-profile, European judging panel. Only one will be awarded the prestigious Westfield Grand Prix Europe, and will receive bespoke support to kick start their European expansion.